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Afforestation aid
Afforestation of agricultural land
Afforestation of farm land
Afforestation of farmland
Agricultural Aid Act
Aid for the afforestation of agricultural land
An Act for the aid and encouragement of Agriculture
An Act respecting public agricultural lands
Colonization Land Sales Act

Traduction de «Aid for the afforestation agricultural land » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
afforestation aid | aid for the afforestation of agricultural land

aide au boisement | aide au boisement des surfaces agricoles

afforestation of agricultural land | afforestation of farm land | afforestation of farmland

boisement des surfaces agricoles | boisement des terres agricoles

afforestation of agricultural land | afforestation of farm land

boisement des surfaces agricoles | boisement des terres agricoles

An Act respecting agricultural lands in the domain of the State [ An Act respecting agricultural lands in the public domain of the State | An Act respecting public agricultural lands | Colonization Land Sales Act ]

Loi sur les terres agricoles du domaine de l'État [ Loi sur les terres agricoles du domaine public | Loi sur les terres publiques agricoles | Loi sur les terres de colonisation ]

Agricultural Aid Act [ An Act for the aid and encouragement of Agriculture ]

Loi d'encouragement à l'agriculture [ Loi à l'effet d'aider et d'encourager l'Agriculture ]

The status of land management practices on agricultural land in Canada

Le point sur l'aménagement des terres agricoles au Canada

Federal Act of 4 October 1985 on the Leasing of Agricultural Land [ LALA ]

Loi fédérale du 4 octobre 1985 sur le bail à ferme agricole [ LBFA ]
afforestation of agricultural and non-agricultural land, establishment of agri-forestry systems on agricultural land, Natura 2000 payments, payments for the forestry environment, restoring forest potential, introducing prevention systems, and non-productive investments.

au boisement de terres agricoles ou non agricoles, à l’établissement de systèmes agroforestiers sur des terres agricoles, aux paiements Natura 2000, aux paiements en faveur de l’environnement forestier, à la restauration du potentiel forestier et à l’introduction de systèmes de prévention ainsi qu’aux investissements non productifs.

The Commission will declare State aid for afforestation of agricultural or non-agricultural land, establishment of agroforestry systems on agricultural land, Natura 2000 payments, forest-environment payments, restoration of forestry potential and introduction of prevention actions as well as non-productive investments compatible with Article 87(3)(c) of the Treaty if the aid meets the conditions laid down in Articles 43–49 of Regul ...[+++]

La Commission déclarera compatibles avec l'article 87, paragraphe 3, point c), du traité les aides d'État au boisement des terres agricoles ou non agricoles, à l'établissement de systèmes agroforestiers sur des terres agricoles, aux paiements Natura 2000, aux paiements en faveur de l'environnement forestier, à la restauration du potentiel forestier et à l'introduction de mesures de prévention, ainsi qu'aux investissements non productifs, si les aides remplissent les condit ...[+++]

Minimum environmental requirements with which the afforestation of agricultural land must comply should be laid down ensuring that no inappropriate afforestation of sensitive habitats including areas under high natural value farming takes place and that the need for resilience to climate change is taken into account.

Il convient de fixer des exigences minimales en matière d’environnement auxquelles doit répondre le boisement des terres agricoles, afin d’éviter tout boisement inadéquat des habitats sensibles, y compris les zones où se développe l’agriculture à haute valeur naturelle et de prendre en compte la nécessité de résilience au changement climatique.

afforestation of agricultural and non-agricultural land, establishment of agri-forestry systems on agricultural land, Natura 2000 payments, payments for the forestry environment, restoring forest potential, introducing prevention systems, and non-productive investments.

au boisement de terres agricoles ou non agricoles, à l’établissement de systèmes agroforestiers sur des terres agricoles, aux paiements Natura 2000, aux paiements en faveur de l’environnement forestier, à la restauration du potentiel forestier et à l’introduction de systèmes de prévention ainsi qu’aux investissements non productifs.

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One, for a start, is first afforestation on agricultural land, the initial setting up of agricultural forestry systems on farmland, the initial afforestation on non-agricultural land, payments under Natura 2000, forest-environment payments, the restoration of forestry potential, the introduction of prevention actions, and also support for non-productive investments.

Pour commencer, le premier est le boisement des terres agricoles, l’adoption initiale de systèmes de sylviculture agricole sur les terres cultivées, le boisement initial sur les terres non cultivées, les paiements au titre de Natura 2000, les paiements de milieu forestier, la restauration du potentiel forestier, l’introduction d’actions préventives ainsi que le soutien aux investissements non productifs.

One, for a start, is first afforestation on agricultural land, the initial setting up of agricultural forestry systems on farmland, the initial afforestation on non-agricultural land, payments under Natura 2000, forest-environment payments, the restoration of forestry potential, the introduction of prevention actions, and also support for non-productive investments.

Pour commencer, le premier est le boisement des terres agricoles, l’adoption initiale de systèmes de sylviculture agricole sur les terres cultivées, le boisement initial sur les terres non cultivées, les paiements au titre de Natura 2000, les paiements de milieu forestier, la restauration du potentiel forestier, l’introduction d’actions préventives ainsi que le soutien aux investissements non productifs.

117. Observes a lack of coherence between the 7 years' programming period from 2000 to 2006 for EU afforestation measures and the funds allocated to this period on the one hand and, on the other hand, the major instrument for afforestation which consists of an annual premium per hectare for beneficiaries paid over 20 years to compensate the loss of income if they convert agricultural land ...[+++] forest; is worried about the Court's finding that the amount of premiums largely exceeds the funds allocated to the programme; is concerned that, as a consequence, the Commission's human resources are not focussed on current objectives but have to deal with the administration of the premiums; considers Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September 2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) as a first step into the right direction, as it reduces the compensation scheme from 20 to 15 years; asks the Commission to table further proposals in order to remedy the situation;

117. observe un manque de cohérence entre la période de programmation de sept ans (2000-2006) pour les mesures de reboisement et les fonds attribués pendant cette période d'une part et d'autre part, le principal instrument de reboisement qui consiste en une prime annuelle par hectare pour les bénéficiaires, payée sur une période de vingt ans afin de compenser la perte de revenus s'ils convertissent des terres agricoles en forêts; est pré ...[+++]

117. Observes a lack of coherence between the 7 years' programming period from 2000 to 2006 for EU afforestation measures and the funds allocated to this period on the one hand and, on the other hand, the major instrument for afforestation which consists of an annual premium per hectare for beneficiaries paid over 20 years to compensate the loss of income if they convert agricultural land ...[+++] forest; is worried about the Court's finding that the amount of premiums largely exceeds the funds allocated to the programme; is concerned that, as a consequence, the Commission's human resources are not focussed on current objectives but have to deal with the administration of the premiums; considers Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September 2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) as a first step into the right direction, as it reduces the compensation scheme from 20 to 15 years; asks the Commission to table further proposals in order to remedy the situation;

117. observe un manque de cohérence entre la période de programmation de sept ans (2000-2006) pour les mesures de reboisement et les fonds attribués pendant cette période d'une part et d'autre part, le principal instrument de reboisement qui consiste en une prime annuelle par hectare pour les bénéficiaires, payée sur une période de vingt ans afin de compenser la perte de revenus s'ils convertissent des terres agricoles en forêts; est pré ...[+++]

108. Observes a lack of coherence between the 7 years' programming period from 2000 to 2006 for EU afforestation measures and the funds allocated to this period on the one hand and, on the other hand, the major instrument for afforestation which consists of an annual premium per hectare for beneficiaries paid over 20 years to compensate the loss of income if they convert agricultural land ...[+++] forest; is worried about the Court's finding that the amount of premiums largely exceeds the funds allocated to the programme; is concerned that, as a consequence, the Commission's human resources cannot be focused on current objectives but have to deal with the administration of the premiums; considers Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September 2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), as a first step into the right direction, as it reduces the compensation scheme from 20 to 15 years; asks the Commission to table further proposals in order to remedy the situation;

108. observe un manque de cohérence entre la période de programmation de sept ans (2000-2006) pour les mesures de reboisement et les fonds attribués pendant cette période d'une part et d'autre part, le principal instrument de reboisement qui consiste en une prime annuelle par hectare pour les bénéficiaires, payée sur une période de vingt ans afin de compenser la perte de revenus s'ils convertissent des terres agricoles en forêts; est pré ...[+++]

In order to contribute to the protection of the environment, the prevention of natural hazards and fires, as well as to mitigate climate change, forest resources should be extended and improved by first afforestation of agricultural land and other than agricultural land.

Afin de contribuer à la protection de l'environnement, à la prévention des risques naturels et des incendies, ainsi que d'atténuer les changements climatiques, il convient de développer et d'améliorer les ressources forestières par un premier boisement de terres agricoles et non agricoles.

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Date index: 2023-03-24