In view of the objective of the Regu
lation, which is to protect the ozone layer, it must be held that the means employed by the Regulation, in Article 5(1), namely the prohibition on the use, and hence the marketing, of HCFCs for firefighting, was suitable for the purpose of attaining that objective. In view, however, of the fact that other substances that are
equally, or indeed more, harmful to the ozone layer, such as halons, are authorised for firef
...[+++]ighting, it is necessary to determine whether that prohibition exceeds the limitations inherent in observance of the principle of proportionality.
incendies, était apte à atteindre cet objectif. Compte tenu, toutefois, du fait que d'autres substances également nocives, voire davantage, pour la couche d'ozone, tels les halons, sont autorisées dans le cadre de la lutte contre les incendies, il convient de vérifier si cette interdiction ne dépasse pas les limites qu'implique le respect du principe de proportionnalité.