The tasks of liaison magistrates shall normally include any activity designed to encourage and accelerate all forms of judicial cooperation in criminal and, where appropriate, civil matter
s, in particular by establishing direct links with the relevant departments and judicial authorities in the host State. Under arrangements agreed between the home Member State and the host Member State, liaison magistrates' tasks may also include any activity connected with handling the exchange of information and statistics designed to promote mutual understanding of the lega
l systems and legal data ...[+++] bases of the States concerned and to further relations between the legal professions in each of those States.
Les fonctions des magistrats de liaison peuvent également inclure, sur la base des arrangements conclus entre l'État membre d'envoi et l'État membre d'accueil, toute activité en vue d'assurer des fonctions d'échange d'informations et de données statistiques, visant à favoriser la connaissance mutuelle des systèmes respectifs et des banques de données juridiques des États intéressés, ainsi que les relations entre les professions juridiques propres à chacun de ces États