For several countries this does not present major problems, especially given the high growth rates beginning to emerge. But investment needs differ considerably between
countries: a recent study estimates that the proportion of GDP needed ranges between 2% for the Czech Republic and 11% for Bulgaria [5]. Currently, GDP investment expenditure ranges from 0.6 to 3%. Sources of funding inc
lude loans from the international financial institutions, bilateral grants and credit schemes, commercial bank loans, foreign direct investment, and revenue gene
rated from ...[+++] consumer charges, fees or taxes.
Les sources de financement sont constituées par des prêts en provenance d'organismes financiers internationaux, par des aides bilatérales, des plans de crédit, des prêts octroyés par des banques commerciales, des investissements extérieurs directs et les recettes publiques (impôts sur la consommation, redevances, taxes).