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Accessory bladder
Base of the bladder
Bladder exstrophy
Bladder floor
Bladder fundus
Cancer of the bladder
Carcinoma of the bladder
Congenital hernia of bladder
Double urethra
Ectopia vesicae
Exstrophy of the bladder
Exstrophy of the urinary bladder
Malformation of bladder or urethra NOS
Malformation of the bladder
Other congenital malformations of bladder and urethra
Prolapse of bladder
Urethrorectal fistula
Urinary meatus
Vesical ectopia
Vesical malformation

Traduction de «Malformation the bladder » (Anglais → Français) :

Accessory:bladder | urethra | Congenital:hernia of bladder | malformation of bladder or urethra NOS | prolapse of:bladder (mucosa) | urethra | urinary meatus | urethrorectal fistula | Double:urethra | urinary meatus

Fistule recto-urétrale congénitale Hernie congénitale de la vessie Malformation congénitale de la vessie ou de l'urètre SAI Méat urinaire double Prolapsus congénital de:méat urinaire | urètre | vessie (muqueuse) | Urètre double Urètre | Vessie | surnuméraire

Other congenital malformations of bladder and urethra

Autres malformations congénitales de la vessie et de l'urètre

malformation of the bladder | vesical malformation

malformation vésicale

A rare non-syndromic urogenital tract malformation with the familial occurrence of retrograde flow of urine from the bladder into the ureter and sometimes the kidneys. Patients may be asymptomatic or may present with recurrent, sometimes febrile, uri

reflux vésico-urétéral familial

exstrophy of the urinary bladder | bladder exstrophy | exstrophy of the bladder | vesical ectopia | ectopia vesicae

exstrophie vésicale | ectopie vésicale

Definition: A disorder characterized by involuntary voiding of urine, by day and by night, which is abnormal in relation to the individual's mental age, and which is not a consequence of a lack of bladder control due to any neurological disorder, to epileptic attacks, or to any structural abnormality of the urinary tract. The enuresis may have been present from birth or it may have arisen following a period of acquired bladder control. The enuresis may or may not be associated with a more widespread emotional or behavioural disorder. ...[+++]

Définition: Trouble caractérisé par une miction involontaire, diurne et nocturne, anormale compte tenu de l'âge mental de l'enfant et qui n'est pas lié à un trouble du contrôle vésical d'origine neurologique, à des crises épileptiques, ou à une anomalie organique de l'arbre urinaire. L'énurésie peut exister, de façon continue, depuis la naissance ou être précédée d'une période de contrôle de la fonction vésicale. Elle peut s'accompagner d'un trouble plus global des émotions ou du comportement. | Enurésie:fonctionnelle | (primaire) (secondaire) d'origine non organique | psychogène | Incontinence urinaire d'origine non organique

A rare neuroendocrine neoplasm arising from neural crest-derived paraganglion cells (most often in the para-aortic region at the level of renal hilii, organ of Zuckerkandl, thoracic paraspinal region, bladder and carotid body) not associated with cat

paragangliome non sécrétant

An idiopathic condition in which the bladder and bladder outlet are normal but the ureter is dilated to some extent. It may be obstructed, refluxing or unobstructed and not refluxing. Prevalence is unknown, but is the second most common cause of neon

méga-uretère primitif congénital

base of the bladder | bladder floor | bladder fundus

bas-fond vésical

cancer of the bladder | carcinoma of the bladder

cancer vésical | carcinome de la vessie

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Date index: 2022-03-03