The Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management and Policy is an organization at the University of Arizona. In their comments regarding Bill C-7, they pointed out that only one approach has worked in the United States with any sustained record of success, and that was “broad governmental jurisdiction in the hands of indigenous nations backed up by capable culturally appropriate governing institutions that those nations support and believe in”.
Le Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management and Policy est un organisme de l'Université de l'Arizona qui a examiné le projet de loi C-7 et a signalé qu'une seule approche a connu un succès durable aux États-Unis, et c'était de confier «de vastes pouvoirs de gouvernement aux nations indigènes, s'appuyant sur des institutions de gouvernement capables et culturellement adéquates, bénéficiant de l'appui et de la confiance de ces nations».