These individuals and organizations consisted of th
e Assembly of First Nations, Native Women’s Association of Canada, First Nations Land Advisory Board, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, Association of
Iroquois and Allied Indians, Danalyn MacKinnon, Mary Eberts, the Six Nations of the Grand River, Chiefs of Ontario, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nation, Quebec
Native Women, Inc., Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation C
...[+++]hiefs, Pamela D. Palmater and the Anishinabek Nation.Ces personnes et organisations sont l’Asse
mblée des Premières Nations, l’Association des femmes autochtones du Canada, le Conseil consultatif des terres des Premières
nations, le Congrès des Peuples Autochtones, l’Association of
Iroquois and Allied Indians, Danalyn MacKinnon, Mary Eberts, les Six
Nations of the Grand River, Chiefs of Ontario, le Conseil des Mohawks d’Akwesasne, la Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nation, Femmes autochtones du Québec inc., le Congrès des c
...[+++]hefs des Premières nations de l’Atlantique, Pamela D. Palmater et la Nation Anishinabek.