There has also been condemnation of the public display of Chinese cultural practices as having undesirable psychological, mental, and moral influence on Indonesian citizens and obstructing the process of assimilation; banning the celebration of Chinese religious festivals in public, and requiring religious practice and observation of Chinese traditions to be kept indoors or within the home;
prohibitions on any land being acquired for the construction
of Chinese temples, building any new temples, expanding or ren
...[+++]ovating existing temples, or using any other building as a temple; and restriction of Chinese print to in a single newspaper only, Harian Indonesia, the justification being that dissemination of materials in Chinese or Chinese characters hinders the objectives of national unity and ethnic Chinese assimilation.
On a condamné la manifestation publique de pratiques culturelles chinoises au motif qu'elles ont une influence psychologique, mentale et morale néfaste sur les citoyens indonésiens et entravent le processus d'assimilation. Il est interdit de célébrer les festivals religieux chinois en public, et l'observation du culte et des traditions chinoises n'est tolérée qu'à l'intérieur des édifices et à la maison.