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Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario
Ontario Senior Officers' Police Association
Senior Centres' Association of Ontario
Senior Talent Bank Association of Ontario
Volunteer Action Network

Traduction de «Senior Talent Bank Association Ontario » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Senior Talent Bank Association of Ontario [ Volunteer Action Network ]

Senior Talent Bank Association of Ontario [ Volunteer Action Network ]

Ontario Senior Officers' Police Association

Ontario Senior Officers' Police Association

Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario [ O.A.C.A.O. | Senior Centres' Association of Ontario ]

Association des centres pour aînés de l'Ontario [ Association ontarienne des centres pour personnes âgées | Senior Centres' Association of Ontario ]
What the credit unions want is the right to have a national banking association across the country without Vancouver Credit Union Central, for example, having control of that new entity or Vancouver Credit Union Central, along with the Ontario Credit Union Central, having control of that entity.

Ces dernières veulent avoir le droit de constituer une association bancaire nationale couvrant l'ensemble du pays sans que la Centrale des caisses de crédit de Vancouver, par exemple, exerce un contrôle sur cette nouvelle entité ou que le contrôle soit exercé conjointement par la centrale de Vancouver et par celle de l'Ontario.

The list continues: the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association; the Canadian Finance & Leasing Association; the Association of University Research Parks in Canada; the Canadian Life & Health Insurance Association; the Nishnawbe Aski Nation and Grand Chief Stan Beardy; the Canadian Home Builders Association; the deputy chief economist at the TD Bank; the Ontario Liberal Minister of Finance, Dwight Duncan; the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association; the Air Transport Association of Canada; and the Conference of Rectors and ...[+++]

La liste se poursuit : la Corporation des associations de détaillants d'automobiles; l'Association Canadienne de Financement & de Location; l'Association of University Related Research Parks au Canada; l'Association canadienne des compagnies d'assurances de personnes inc.; la nation Nishnawbe Aski et le grand chef Stan Beardy; l'Association canadienne des constructeurs d'habitations; l'économiste en chef adjoint de la banque TD; le ministre des Finances libéral de l'Ontario ...[+++]

Will the Commission ask the authorities of the Russian Federation to give an account of the causes, including technical causes, of the crash involving aircraft TU-154 on 10 April 2010? In this crash, a total of 96 Polish citizens tragically died, including the President of Poland, Lech Kaczyñski, senior officers of all branches of the Polish armed forces, the Governor of the Central Bank, the Ombudsman for Civil Rights, numerous leading members of political parties and representatives of associations ...[+++]

La Commission va-t-elle demander aux autorités de la Fédération de Russie des clarifications quant aux causes, notamment techniques, du crash de l’avion TU-154, survenu le 10 avril 2010, dans lequel ont péri le président polonais Lech Kaczyński, les dirigeants des différents corps de l’armée polonaise, le gouverneur de la banque centrale, le défenseur des droits civiques, de nombreuses personnalités des partis politiques, ainsi que des représentants d’associations commémora ...[+++]

Will the Commission ask the authorities of the Russian Federation to give an account of the causes, including technical causes, of the crash involving aircraft TU-154 on 10 April 2010? In this crash, a total of 96 Polish citizens tragically died, including the President of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, senior officers of all branches of the Polish armed forces, the Governor of the Central Bank, the Ombudsman for Civil Rights, numerous leading members of political parties and representatives of associations ...[+++]

La Commission va-t-elle demander aux autorités de la Fédération de Russie des clarifications quant aux causes, notamment techniques, du crash de l'avion TU-154, survenu le 10 avril 2010, dans lequel ont péri le président polonais Lech Kaczyński, les dirigeants des différents corps de l'armée polonaise, le gouverneur de la banque centrale, le défenseur des droits civiques, de nombreuses personnalités des partis politiques, ainsi que des représentants d'associations commémora ...[+++]

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I am the President of the Cement Association of Canada. With me today are Paul Ostrander, Senior Vice-President of Ontario St. Lawrence Cement Inc. and chairman of our government relations committee.

Je suis président de l'Association canadienne du ciment et je suis accompagné aujourd'hui de M. Paul Ostrander, qui est premier le vice-président de la Ontario St. Lawrence Cement Inc. et président de notre comité des relations gouvernementales.

Senior Research Associate (Research Department, Bank of Spain; 1989‑1994)

Premier associé de recherche (département de recherche de la Banque d'Espagne, 1989‑1994)

Mr. David Mowat (Senior Vice-President, Emerging Markets, Business Development Bank of Canada): David Mowat, senior vice-president of emerging markets, and Simone Desjardins, senior vice-president in Ontario.

M. David Mowat (premier vice-président, marchés émergents, Banque de développement du Canada): David Mowat, premier vice-président des marchés émergents, et Simone Desjardins, première vice-présidente pour l'Ontario.

PARTICIPANTS TO THE 13TH SEPTEMBER MEETING WITH COMMISSIONERS MRS CRESSON AND MR BANGEMANN Country NAME TITLE COMPANY I Mr Umberto Managing OLIVETTI BENA Director I Mr E. CEO Editel PENTIRARO I Mr Marco LANDI CEO Apple Europe I Mr A. Marketing Giunti BERTOLETTI Manager Multmédia SRL GR Mr Nikos CEO Epsilon DAMIANAKIS Software GR Mr Yannis CEO Integrated COBOPOULOS Information Systems GR Mr Michael CEO Intrasoft F.GALOUZIDIS E Mr Carlos SAN Adviser, New Ministery of JOSE Technologies Education E Mr Angel Multimedia Anaya FERNANDEZ Director E Mr Enrique Publishing Anaya POSSE Director P Mr Joaquim CEO Porto Editora AZEVEDO S Mrs Kristina CEO Multimedia AB LYSTAD S Mr Lars CEO VM Data HELLQUIST Education DK Mr Leo CEO Orfeus HOJSHOLT- POULSEN ...[+++]

PARTICIPANTS TO THE 13TH SEPTEMBER MEETING WITH COMMISSIONERS MRS CRESSON AND MR BANGEMANN Country NAME TITLE COMPANY I Mr Umberto Managing OLIVETTI BENA Director I Mr E. CEO Editel PENTIRARO I Mr Marco LANDI CEO Apple Europe I Mr A. Marketing Giunti Multmédia SRL BERTOLETTI Manager GR Mr Nikos CEO Epsilon Software DAMIANAKIS GR Mr Yannis CEO Integrated COBOPOULOS Information Systems GR Mr Michael CEO Intrasoft F.GALOUZIDIS E Mr Carlos SAN Adviser, New Ministery of JOSE Technologies Education E Mr Angel Multimedia Anaya FERNANDEZ Director E Mr Enrique Publishing Anaya POSSE Director P Mr Joaquim CEO Porto Editora AZEVEDO S Mrs Kristina CEO Multimedia AB LYSTAD S Mr Lars CEO VM Data Education HELLQUIST DK Mr Leo CEO Orfeus HOJSHOLT- POULSEN ...[+++]

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Date index: 2021-07-03