ATRA is an alliance of 94 member organizations which include provincial organizations and associations, such as the Alberta Medical and Dental Associations, the Alberta Dental Hygienists Association, the Alberta Cancer Board, the Alberta Employer Committee on Health Care; non-government organizations like the Canadian Cancer Society, Alberta Lung Associatio
n and the Heart and Stroke Foundation; all 17 regional health authorities, government departments and agencies, as well as the private sector including the Alberta Blue Cross, Alberta Energy Company L
...[+++]imited, and Canada's research-based pharmaceuticals.L'ATRA réunit 94 organisations, dont des organisations et des associations provinciales comme l'Alberta Medical Association, l'Alberta Dental Association, l'Alberta Dental Hygienists Association, l'Alberta Cancer Board, l'Alberta Employer Committee on Health Care, des organisations non gouvernementales comme la Société canadienne du cancer, l'Alberta Lung Associat
ion et la Heart and Stroke Foundation, les 17 offices régionaux de la santé, des ministères et des organismes gouvernementaux, et des organismes du secteur privé comme l'Alberta Blue Cross, l'Alberta Energy Company Limited et les sociétés pharmaceutiques can
...[+++]adiennes fabriquant des produits d'origine.