In accordance with the programme for liberalizing capital movements, which was transmitted to the Council last month (see document COM(86)292 and note P-41), the Commission has approved and transmitted to the Council a proposal for a Directive designed to extend the obligations on Member States to liberalize capital movements (1) The Commission is proposing that certain capital transactions be t
ransferred from the system of conditional liberalization which covers them at present under the 1960 Direc
tive to a system of unconditional liberalization. ...[+++]
En application du programme de liberation des mouvements de capitaux qu'elle avait transmis au Conseil le mois dernier (voir document COM(86)292 et note P-41), la Commission vient d'approuver et de transmettre au Conseil une proposi tion de directive visant a elargir les obligations commu nautaires de liberation des mouvements de capitaux(1). La Commission propose de transferer certaines operations en capital du regime de liberation conditionnelle sous lequel elles se trouvent placees au titre de la directive de 1960 vers un regime de liberation inconditionnelle.