I am convinced that it provides an opportunity for young people in Europe and that it is proof that Europe must not only be a Europe of figures and economics, but that education and culture actually form the foundation stone on the basis of which we understand each other and regions – as diverse as their cultures are – complement each other and are tolerant of any differences between them. In turn, this teaches us to show solidarity with people who are different, who are less well-off and who, above all, have a harder time of it than we do.
Je suis convaincue que c’est une chance pour la jeunesse européenne et une preuve que l’Europe ne doit pas seulement être une Europe des chiffres et de l’économie, mais que l’éducation et la culture sont les pierres angulaires de la compréhension mutuelle, du fait que les régions, quelles que soient leurs différences culturelles, se complètent ou acceptent les différences.