It is clear that any enforcement, awareness and/or control mechanisms for contraband tobacco requires the continued cooperation and partnership between federal, provincial and territorial governments, first nations governments, the law enforcement community and industry stakeholders. Question No. 261 Hon. Shawn Murphy: With regard to the Knowledge Infrastructure Program and the announcement on page 242 of Budget 2010 that “upgrades to infrastructure at the U
niversity of Prince Edward Island will create over 300 jobs and inject about $
30 million into the economy”: ...[+++] (a) what is the description, including the projected costs, of the upgrades to infrastructure that will take place at the University of Prince Edward Island; (b) what is the outline as to when these infrastructure upgrades will begin and when they will be completed; (c) what is the detailed breakdown of the financial commitments by the University of Prince Edward Island, the provincial government of Prince Edward Island and all other parties involved in funding the upgrades to infrastructure at the University of Prince Edward Island; and (d) what are the details of the process by which the figure of 300 jobs was calculated?
L'hon. Tony Clement (ministre de l’Industrie, PCC): Monsieur le Président, en ce qui concerne le Programme d’infrastructure du savoir, PIDS, et l’annonce, à la page 272 du Budget de 2010, selon laquelle « des améliorations infrastructurelles à l’Université de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, UPEI, créeront plus de 300 emplois et injecteront environ 30 millions de dollars dans l’économie »: En réponse à la question a), le projet de l’UPEI vise la réfection de l’infrastructure matérielle essentielle.