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Aid to undertakings
Analyse recycling grant opportunities
Capital grant
Committee on Grants and Scholarships
Education allowance
Education grant
Education subsidy
Financial aid
Financial grant
Follow up the issued grants
Investigate issued scholarships
Investigate recycling grant opportunities
Keep grant applicant advised
Keep grant applicant briefed
Keep grant applicant informed
Keep scholarship applicant notified
Look into issued grants
Look into issued scholarships
Office of Grants and Scholarships
Probe recycling grant opportunities
Research Grants and Scholarships Directorate
Research grant
Research recycling grant opportunities
Salvage grant
Student grant
Study bursary
Study grant
Study loan
Subsidy for undertakings
Support grant
Training allowance

Vertaling van "granting scholarships " (Engels → Frans) :

education grant [ education allowance | education subsidy | research grant | scholarship | student grant | study grant | study loan | training allowance | scholarships(UNBIS) ]

allocation d'étude [ allocation jeunesse | allocation scolaire | bourse d'étude | bourse de recherche | indemnité de formation | prêt d'étude | subvention d'étude ]

investigate issued scholarships | look into issued grants | follow up the issued grants | look into issued scholarships

assurer le suivi des subventions accordées

keep grant applicant advised | keep grant applicant briefed | keep grant applicant informed | keep scholarship applicant notified

tenir le demandeur d'une subvention informé

Research Grants and Scholarships Directorate

Direction des subventions de recherche et des bourses

Office of Grants and Scholarships

Bureau des subventions et des bourses

Committee on Grants and Scholarships

Comité des subventions et bourses

scholarship | study bursary | study grant

bourse d'étude

investigate recycling grant opportunities | probe recycling grant opportunities | analyse recycling grant opportunities | research recycling grant opportunities

rechercher des possibilités de subventions de recyclage

aid to undertakings [ salvage grant | subsidy for undertakings | support grant ]

aide aux entreprises [ aide d'accompagnement | aide de sauvetage ]

financial aid [ capital grant | financial grant ]

aide financière [ aide en capital | assistance financière ]
Moreover, efforts should be stepped up to coordinate more closely the awarding of research grants, scholarships and trainee programmes and the issuing of the required visas and/or residence permits for the researchers concerned.

En outre, il convient d'intensifier les efforts en vue de coordonner plus étroitement l'octroi de subventions pour la recherche, de bourses d'études et de programmes de formations avec la délivrance des visas et/ou des permis de séjour requis aux chercheurs concernés.

financial support (grants, scholarships, subsidies, loans, etc.) to be facilitated and simplified.

la facilitation et la simplification du soutien financier (subventions, bourses, prêts, etc.).

We are therefore pleased to note that the legislation contains provisions that ensure the foundation grants scholarships to students who are in financial need and demonstrate merit; limits the extent to which scholarships can be granted on merit only; prescribes the composition of the board of directors to include student representation; requires the foundation to keep its administrative costs low; allows for student mobility and scholarship portability; and requires transparency and accountability in the way the foundation condu ...[+++]

Nous constatons donc avec plaisir que le texte proposé renferme des dispositions qui: garantissent le versement, par la Fondation, de bourses d'études à des étudiants qui en ont financièrement besoin et qui le méritent sur le plan des résultats scolaires; limitent la possibilité d'accorder les bourses d'études sur la seule base du mérite scolaire; établissent la composition du conseil d'administration, lequel doit comporter un représentant des étudiants; exigent que la Fondation maintienne ses frais administratifs à un bas niveau; ...[+++]

To support graduate students and researchers as they develop the leading edge skills needed in a knowledge based economy we will increase funding to the three granting councils to provide research grants, scholarships and fellowships.

Pour aider les étudiants de deuxième cycle et les chercheurs qui acquièrent les compétences de pointe nécessaires dans une économie fondée sur la connaissance, nous allons accroître les ressources des trois conseils subventionnaires pour qu'ils accordent davantage de subventions de recherche et de bourses.

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In response to (d), the change was suggested by selection committee members, most of whom are from academia, and was discussed with the members of the Committee on Grants and Scholarships, COGS, NSERC’s main advisory committee for grants, scholarships and fellowships programs.

En ce qui a trait à la partie d) de la question, ce changement avait été proposé par des membres de comité de sélection dont la plupart viennent du milieu postsecondaire. Il a également fait l’objet d’une discussion au sein des membres du Comité des subventions et des bourses, principal comité consultatif du CRSNG pour les programmes de subventions et de bourses.

2. Community grants may be provided through specific forms such as operating grants, action grants, scholarships, prizes.

2. Les subventions communautaires peuvent être accordées selon des modalités spécifiques, notamment sous la forme de subventions de fonctionnement, de subventions à l'action, de bourses et de prix.

(c) promote the development of various arrangements for financial support for mobility (grants, scholarships, subsidies, loans, etc.) and in particular:

c) de promouvoir le développement de différents dispositifs de soutien financier de la mobilité (allocation, bourses, subventions, prêts, etc.) et notamment:

financial support (grants, scholarships, subsidies, loans, etc.) to be facilitated and simplified.

la facilitation et la simplification du soutien financier (subventions, bourses, prêts, etc.).

Part I of the bill establishes the Canadian Millennium Scholarship Foundation, a new federal body which will grant scholarships to post-secondary students to the amount of $2.5 billion, beginning in the year 2000.

La partie I du projet de loi crée la Fondation canadienne des bourses d'études du millénaire, nouvel organisme fédéral chargé d'accorder, à partir de l'an 2000, à des étudiants du niveau postsecondaire des bourses d'études qui totaliseront 2,5 milliards de dollars.

Senator Graham: The government has been granting scholarships directly to Quebec graduate students, as my honourable friend would know, through the granting councils, and has been doing so since as far back as 1917.

Le sénateur Graham: Comme mon honorable collègue le sait sans doute, le gouvernement accorde directement des bourses d'études aux étudiants des cycles supérieurs du Québec par l'intermédiaire des conseils subventionnaires, et ce, depuis 1917.
