In particular, I would like him to address the failure of Confederation Life, which was not exactly a small financial institution. I would like him to compare the risks Confederation Life had vis-à-vis some of the institutions which exist in Quebec (1315) I would like the hon. member to relate the small institutions that operate in Quebec vis-à-vis those that operate in other provinces, for example the Atlantic provinces, British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan and some very small institutions that are covered by the CDIC.
En particulier, j'aimerais qu'il commente la faillite de la Confederation Life, qui n'était pas exactement une petite institution financière, et qu'il compare son coefficient de risque à celui de certaines des institutions qui existent au Québec (1315) J'aimerais lui demander de comparer les petites institutions établies au Québec et celles qui font affaire dans d'autres provinces comme celles de l'Atlantique, la Colombie-Britannique, l'Alberta et la Saskatchewan et certaines des toutes petites institutions qui sont assurées par la SADC.