When we put into that picture the corporate tax cuts that have been granted, the billions of dollars that we have lost in public revenue that could be providing for public services, when we look at the budget that we know is coming on Thursday and our fears about that budget and its impact on ordinary people and their ability to access needed government services, it is a picture that is very disturbing.
Quand on y ajoute les réductions d'impôts consenties aux grandes sociétés, les milliards de dollars de recettes publiques que nous avons perdues et qui auraient pu servir à financer des services publics, quand on songe au budget qui va nous arriver dessus jeudi, un budget qui nous inquiète et qui risque de nuire aux gens ordinaires et de restreindre leur accès à des services gouvernementaux, on aboutit à un tableau bien inquiétant.