As I say, I wish, personally, to support the Swedish proposal but I am also incredibly open to other things, as long as we establish that it is not just ratifications that are needed but changes of attitude and that funding also needs to be set aside to provide real help because, until all this happens
, all that we shall have, as my Swedish fellow Member
said before I got up to speak, is little more than words. I can tell you that even the finest of targets do not help the people who are
being trafficked if they ...[+++] are not backed up by proper powers, political will and proper effort.
Comme je l’ai dit, je soutiens à titre personnel la proposition suédoise, mais je suis aussi incroyablement ouverte à d’autres propositions, dans la mesure où nous démontrons qu’il ne suffit pas de ratifier des conventions, mais qu’il faut aussi changer d’attitude et prévoir un budget pour apporter véritablement une aide efficace. Tant que ce ne sera pas le cas, tout ce que nous aurons, pour reprendre les propos de ma collègue suédoise qui s’est exprimée avant moi, ce sont de belles paroles.