If they feel for one moment that we're going to humiliate them into showing how prices are completely out of whack, or that in fact we're going to say that because we've demonstrated they're out of whack, we are going to be prepared to re-regulate or make amendments to existing legislation because we have the power of review, I think it would be a big fool who would come forward with some kind of attitude or pricing schedule that would be contrary to what we are trying to accomplish.
S'ils pensent un seul instant que nous allons les humilier en montrant que leurs prix sont totalement prohibitifs, ou que nous allons modifier la réglementation ou apporter des amendements à la loi existante parce que nous avons le pouvoir de le faire, je pense qu'il serait naïf de leur part d'adopter une attitude ou un barème de prix qui seraient contraires à ce que nous essayons d'accomplir.