5.4. In addition, the Treaty of Lisbon strengthens the requireme
nt for the Union to comply with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality when exercising its competences; monitoring of that compliance is already a matter for the Member State governments, in the Council, and Parliament. Although the definition of these
principles set out by the new Treaty corresponds to that already employed in the Treaties in force, the protocol on the
principles of subsidiarity and proportionality provides for new mechanisms to guarantee compliance
with ...[+++] those principles, in particular by substantially strengthening the role of the national parliaments.Weliswaar komt de definitie van de in het nieuwe verdrag verankerde beginselen overeen met die van de reeds geldende Verdragen, maar het Protocol betreffende het subsidiariteitsbeginsel en het evenredigheidsbeginsel voorziet in nieuwe mechanismen ter waarborging van de eerbiediging van deze beginselen, in het bijzonder door de rol van de nationale parlementen te versterken.