D. whereas the European Volunteer Centre, the European Youth Forum, the Association o
f Voluntary Service Organisations, the World Organisation of the Scout Movement, the Red Cross/European Union Office, volonteurope, the Euro
pean Older People's Platform (AGE), Solidar, Caritas Europa, ENGAGE, Johanniter International, the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation and others – together representing thousands of organisations in
...[+++]volving millions of volunteers – have all called upon the institutions of the European Union to announce 2011 as the European Year of Volunteering, D.
overwegende dat het European Volunteer Centre, het Europees Jongerenforum, de Association o
f Voluntary Service Organisations, de World Organisation of the Scout Movement, het Rode Kruis/Afdeling Europese Unie, volonte
urope, het Europees ouderenplatform (AGE), Solidar, Caritas Europa, ENGAGE, Johanniter International, de European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation en anderen − die samen duizenden organisaties met miljoenen vri
...[+++]jwilligers vertegenwoordigen − de EU-instellingen hebben opgeroepen 2011 uit te roepen tot Europees jaar van de vrijwilligers,