This follows from the fact that no mer
it was found in the applicant's own grounds of app
eal, but leave to appeal was granted by the Court of Appeal on a legal issue specified by the court itself, on which clearly the applicant needed the service of a lawyer » (Comm. eur. dr. h., 11 décembre 1973, req. no 5730/72, Digest of Strasbourg Case-Law relating to the European Convention on Human Rights, vol. 2 (article 6), Carl Heymans-Verl
ag KG Köln, Berlin, Bonn, Munich, ...[+++]p. 826).This follows from the fact that no mer
it was found in the applicant's own grounds of app
eal, but leave to appeal was granted by the Court of Appeal on a legal issue specified by the court itself, on which clearly the applicant needed the service of a lawyer » (ECRM, 11 december 1973, verzoekschrift nr. 5730/72, Digest of Strasbourg Case Law relating to the European Convention on Human Rights, deel 2 (artikel 6), Carl Heymans-Verl
ag KG Köln, Berlin, Bonn, München, ...[+++] blz. 826).