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Giroflée de Mahon
Grand coquelicot
Pavot des champs
Pavot rouge

Vertaling van "mahon " (Frans → Nederlands) :

coq | coquelicot | grand coquelicot | mahon | pavot des champs | pavot rouge | poinceau | ponceau


Jimenez Vidal, Elvira, née à Mahón (Espagne) le 23 septembre 1964.

Jimenez Vidal, Elvira, geboren te Mahón (Spanje) op 23 september 1964.

(24) Mahon, G. A. T., Green, M. H. L., Middleton, B., Mitchell, I. , Robinson, W. D. and Tweats, D. J (1989), Analysis of Data from Microbial Colony Assays, in : UKEMS Sub-Committee on Guidelines for Mutagenicity Testing.

(24) Mahon, G.A.T., Green, M.H.L., Middleton, B., Mitchell, I. , Robinson, W.D. and Tweats, D.J (1989). Analysis of Data from Microbial Colony Assays.

Demande d'une modification du nom « Mahón » (AOP) en « Mahón-Menorca »

Vraag tot wijziging van de naam " Mahón" (BOB) in « Mahón-Menorca »

Reddah, Rabia, née à Mac Mahon (Algérie) le 28 février 1963.

Reddah, Rabia, geboren te Mac Mahon (Algerije) op 28 februari 1963.

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Il contenait entre autres la disposition suivante : " In the event of the govern- ments of the United States of America and of the United Kingdom deciding to utilize as a source of energy for commercial purposes ores obtained under this agreement, the said governments will admit the Belgian government to participate in such utilization on equitable terms" . b) La loi Mac Mahon de 1946 rendit toutefois impossible la mise en oeuvre de cette disposition.

Het bevatte onder meer de volgende bepa- ling : " In the event of the governments of the United States of America and of the United King- dom deciding to utilize as a source of energy for commercial purposes ores obtained under this agreement, the said governments will admit the Belgian government to participate in such utiliza- tion on equitable terms" . b) De Mac Mahon-wet van 1946 verhinderde even- wel de uitvoering van deze bepaling.

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