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Access provider
Accessibility tester
Common Assesment Framework
Common Rail injectiesysteem
Common access reference
Common spectrum multiple access
Gemeenschappelijk zelfevaluatiekader
Gemeenschappelijke toegangsreferentie
Ict accessibility tester
Ict usability tester
Slotted non-persistent CSMA
Slotted non-persistent carrier sense multiple access
Usability tester

Traduction de «access common » (Néerlandais → Allemand) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
common access reference | gemeenschappelijke toegangsreferentie

allgemeine Zugangsreferenz

common spectrum multiple access

Vielfachzugriff mit gemeinsamem Sprektrum

niet-persistent carrier sense multiple access met slots | slotted non-persistent carrier sense multiple access | slotted non-persistent CSMA

slotted non-persistent CSMA

accessibility tester | ict usability tester

Usability-Experte | Usability-Expertin | IT-Usability-Engineer | Usability-Engineer

ict accessibility tester | usability tester

Accessibility-Testerin | Acessibility-Expertin | Accessibility-Tester | IT-Accessibility-Prüfer/IT-Accessibility-Prüferin

CAF (nom) | Common Assesment Framework (nom) | gemeenschappelijk zelfevaluatiekader (nom neutre)

CAF (nom neutre) | Common Assessment Framework (nom neutre) | Gemeinsames Europäisches Qualitätsbewertungssystem (nom neutre)

Common Rail injectiesysteem

Common-Rail | Common-Rail-Technik
1) An incorrect title ha been erroneously indicated in the cover page of the abovementioned document having been officially transmitted on 23 May 2007, which read "Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on access to the market in the carriage of goods by road within the Community to or from the territory of a Member State or passing across the territory of one or more Member States"; in that document, the correct title was that appearing at the beginning of the text of the recast proposal and reading "Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on ...[+++]

1) An incorrect title ha been erroneously indicated in the cover page of the abovementioned document having been officially transmitted on 23 May 2007, which read "Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on access to the market in the carriage of goods by road within the Community to or from the territory of a Member State or passing across the territory of one or more Member States"; in that document, the correct title was that appearing at the beginning of the text of the recast proposal and reading "Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on ...[+++]

Overwegende dat de BCCM-verzamelingen deel uitmaken van het Europese netwerk voor uitwisseling van microbiële gegevens MINE, alsook van het CABRI-project (Common Access to Biotechnological Resources and Information) en het EBRCN project (European Biological Resource Centres Network);

In der Erwägung, dass die BCCM-Sammlungen zum europäischen Netz für den Austausch mikrobieller Daten MINE, zum CABRI-Projekt (Common Access to Biotechnological Resources and Information) und zum EBRCN-Projekt (European Biological Resource Centres Network) gehören;

De pijpleiding zal worden geëxploiteerd op basis van het "open access / common carrier"-systeem, hetgeen betekent dat de toegang tot de pijpleiding en de voorwaarden voor de aansluiting daarop voor alle propyleenproducenten op niet-discriminatoire basis zullen worden toegepast.

Die Rohrleitung wird nach dem Grundsatz des „offenen Zugangs/gemeinsamen Trägers“ betrieben, womit sämtlichen Polypropylenherstellern auf nicht diskriminierender Grundlage der Zugang zur Rohrleitung und der Anschluss an die Leitung gewährleistet wird.

Uw rapporteur acht het daarom wenselijk dat de GCO onderzoek naar het model van de Creative Commons Science en van de verklaring van Berlijn inzake Open Access".

Deshalb hält es der Berichterstatter für zweckmäßig, dass die Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle das Modell einer kreativen gemeinsamen Wissenschaft und der Berliner Erklärung zum freien Zugang prüft.

datacenter (28): (

'access common' ->

Date index: 2023-08-17