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-en eminentia antithenare
Duimmuis en pinkmuis
Eminentia abducentis
Eminentia medialis
Eminentia teres
Eminentia thenare en eminentia hypothenare
Funiculus teres
Hypothenar en thenar
Nucleus abducens
Nucleus abducentis
Nucleus nervi abducentis

Vertaling van "eminentia abducentis " (Nederlands → Duits) :

eminentia abducentis | eminentia medialis | eminentia teres | funiculus teres

Corpus teres

nucleus abducens | nucleus abducentis | nucleus nervi abducentis

Nucleus nervi abducentis | Nucleus originis n.abd.

duimmuis en pinkmuis | eminentia thenare en eminentia hypothenare | -en eminentia antithenare | hypothenar en thenar


datacenter (28): (

'eminentia abducentis' ->

Date index: 2024-11-03