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Hyperostosis corticalis infantilis
Infantiele corticale hyperostosis
Syndroom van Caffey-Silvermann
Syndroom van Caffey-Smyth

Vertaling van "infantiele corticale hyperostosis " (Nederlands → Duits) :

hyperostosis corticalis infantilis | infantiele corticale hyperostosis | syndroom van Caffey-Silvermann | syndroom van Caffey-Smyth

CAFFEY DE TONI Syndrom | CAFFEY Syndrom I | Caffey-Silverman Syndrom | Hyperosteogenesis periosteo-enchondralis foeto-infantilis Typ Caffey-Silverman Polyost eopathia deformans connatalis regressiva | ROSKE DE TONI CAFFEY-SMITH Krankheit

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Date index: 2021-10-23