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Ampulla membranacea
Cataracta membranacea
Desquamatio lamellosa neonatorum
Erythrodermia ichthysiosiformis congenitalis
Ichthyosis sebacea
Superdesquamatio membranacea

Vertaling van "superdesquamatio membranacea " (Nederlands → Duits) :

desquamatio lamellosa neonatorum | erythrodermia ichthysiosiformis congenitalis | ichthyosis sebacea | superdesquamatio membranacea

Exfoliatio lamellosa neonatorum | Ichthyosis sebacea | kongenitale Kollodiumhaut | Seborrhoea oleosa beziehungsweise squamosa universalis neonatorum | Vernix caseosa persistens

ampulla membranacea

Ampullae membranaceae | haeutige Bogengangsampullen

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'superdesquamatio membranacea' ->

Date index: 2023-11-13