Despite start- up difficulties, the Commission was able to decide on grants (1) Council Regulation (EEC) No 3641/85 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1787/84, OJ No L 350, 27.12.85. towards three national programmes of Community interest in the United Kingdom, contributing a total of 260 million ECU over a four year period, of which 105 million ECU were committed during the year.
Malgre des(1)ReglementCEEno3641/85duConseilmodifiantle difficultesreglementCEEno1787/84-JO L 350 du 27.12.85. - 3 - de demarrage, la Commission a pu decider du cofinancement de trois programmes nationaux d'interet communautaire au Royaume-Uni, pour un montant total de 260 millions d'Ecus pour une periode de 4 ans, dont 105 ont ete engages dans l'annee.