Let us look at the justice agenda: Bill C-10, the mandatory penalties for gun crimes bill, a very important part of the agenda, was held up for 252 days in committee by the opposition parties, particularly the Liberals and the Bloc members; Bill C-23, the amendments to the Criminal Code, was held up for 214 days at committee by the opposition parties; Bill C-22, the age of protection bill, 175 days; the DNA identification bill, 148 days; and the conditional sentencing bill, 139 days.
Je vais parler du programme en matière de justice. Le projet de loi C-10, concernant les peines obligatoires pour les actes criminels mettant en jeu des armes à feu est resté bloqué au comité pendant 252 jours, à cause des députés des partis d'opposition, en particulier ceux du Parti libéral et du Bloc.