HIGH_definition television : the Commission defines a plan of action and announce its participation in the EUREKA project At the recent meeting in Dubrovnik of the United Nations specialized agency CCIR (International Radio Consultative Committee), the rappresentatives of the Commission and of the Community Member States successfully prevented the adop- tion of technical standards, proposed by the Japanese and backed by the Americans, in respect of the three principal elements making up the high-definition television system, namely in-studio production, transmission to the receiver location and the receiver itself.
TELEVISION HAUTE DEFINITION: la Commission definit un plan d'action et annonce sa participation au projet EUREKA. Lors de la recente reunion a Dubrovnik, du CCIR (Comite Consultatif International pour la Radiodiffusion), institution specialisee des Nations Unies, les representants de la Commission et des Pays membres de la Communaute ont reussi a eviter que soient adoptes des standards techniques proposes par les Japonais, appuyes par les Americains, pour les trois principaux elements de la chaine constitutive de la television haute definition: la production en studio, la transmission a domicile et le recepteur lui-meme.