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Agent enterprise Crown corporation
Agent of Her Majesty
Agent of the Crown
Crown agent
Crown land
Crown property
Crown's agent
Demesne of the Crown
Forfeiture to the Crown
Gastrointestinal system
Non-agent enterprise Crown corporation
Public land
Royal demesne
State land

Vertaling van "Agent the Crown " (Engels → Frans) :

agent enterprise Crown corporation

société d'État entreprise mandataire

non-agent enterprise Crown corporation

société d'État entreprise non mandataire

agent of the Crown [ Crown's agent | agent of Her Majesty ]

agent de la Couronne [ agent de Sa Majesté | mandataire de la Couronne | mandataire de Sa Majesté ]

agent of the Crown | Crown agent

mandataire de la Couronne

agents primarily acting on smooth and skeletal muscles and the respiratory system anaesthetics (general)(local) drugs affecting the:cardiovascular system | gastrointestinal system | hormones and synthetic substitutes systemic and haematological agents systemic antibiotics and other anti-infectives therapeutic gases topical preparations vaccines water-balance agents and drugs affecting mineral and uric acid metabolism

anesthésiques (généraux) (locaux) antibiotiques systémiques et autres médicaments anti-infectieux gaz thérapeutiques hormones et leurs substituts synthétiques médicaments agissant sur:appareil cardio-vasculaire | tractus gastro-intestinal | médicaments intervenant dans le métabolisme de l'eau, des sels minéraux et de l'acide urique médicaments systémiques et hématologiques produits agissant principalement sur les muscles lisses et striés et sur l'appareil respiratoire topiques vaccins

A subgroup of therapy-related myeloid neoplasms (t-MN), associated with a treatment of an unrelated neoplastic or autoimmune disease with cytotoxic agents, like cyclophosphamid, platins, melphalan and others. The neoplastic cells typically harbor unb

leucémie aigüe myéloïde et syndromes myélodysplasiques liés aux agents alkylants

public land | state land | crown land | demesne of the Crown | Royal demesne | Crown property

domaine public | espace public | terre domaniale | terre de la Couronne | terrain de la Couronne | terre appartenant à la Couronne | domaine de la Couronne | crown land

injuries inflicted by the police or other law-enforcing agents, including military on duty, in the course of arresting or attempting to arrest lawbreakers, suppressing disturbances, maintaining order, and other legal action

lésions infligées par la police ou autres agents de la force publique, incluant les forces armées actives, lors de l'arrestation ou de la tentative d'arrestation de hors-la-loi, de la répression de troubles de l'ordre, du maintien de l'ordre ou d'autre action légale.

Other bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters

Autres agents bactériens, cause de maladies classées dans d'autres chapitres

forfeiture to the Crown

confiscation en faveur de la Couronne | dévolution à la Couronne
in the United Kingdom, the National Savings Bank, the Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd, the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Ltd, the Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd, the Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations, credit unions and municipal banks.

au Royaume-Uni, à la "National Savings Bank", à la "Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd", à l'"Agricultural Mortgage Corportation Ltd", à la "Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd", aux "Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations", aux "credit unions" et aux "municipal banks".

(21) in the United Kingdom, the National Savings Bank, the Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd, the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Ltd, the Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd, the Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations, credit unions and municipal banks;

(21) au Royaume-Uni, à la "National Savings Bank", à la "Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd", à l’"Agricultural Mortgage Corportation Ltd", à la "Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd", aux "Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations", aux "credit unions" et aux "municipal banks",

in the United Kingdom, the National Savings Bank, the Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd, the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Ltd, the Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd, the Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations, credit unions and municipal banks.

au Royaume-Uni, à la "National Savings Bank", à la "Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd", à l'"Agricultural Mortgage Corportation Ltd", à la "Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd", aux "Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations", aux "credit unions" et aux "municipal banks".

in the United Kingdom, the National Savings Bank, the Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd, the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Ltd, the Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd, the Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations, credit unions and municipal banks.

au Royaume-Uni, la "National Savings Bank", la "Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd", l''Agricultural Mortgage Corportation Ltd", la "Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd", les "Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations", les "credit unions" et les "municipal banks",

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Hon. David Collenette (Minister of Transport, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, Canada Post is required to accept $50 and $100 bills, but the agents of crown corporations do not have the same obligations, because they are private businesses and it is up to them.

L'hon. David Collenette (ministre des Transports, Lib.): Monsieur le Président, Postes Canada est obligé d'accepter les billets de 50 $ et 100 $, mais les agents des sociétés d'État n'ont pas les mêmes obligations, parce que ce sont des entreprises du secteur privé, et c'est leur choix.

If so, are agents of crown corporations, such as postal outlets, required to comply with this obligation, and if not, what action will the government take in the coming months to settle the issue?

Si oui, les agents des sociétés d'État, comme les comptoirs postaux, sont-ils tenus à cette obligation, et sinon, quelle action prendra le gouvernement dans les prochains mois pour régler la situation?

- in the United Kingdom, the National Savings Bank, the Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd, the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Ltd, the Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd, the Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations, credit unions and municipal banks.

- au Royaume-Uni, de la "National Savings Bank", de la "Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd", de l'"Agricultural Mortgage Corportation Ltd", de la "Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd", des "Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations", des "credit unions" et des "municipal banks".

- in the United Kingdom, the National Savings Bank, the Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd, the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Ltd, the Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd, the Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations, credit unions and municipal banks.

- au Royaume-Uni, de la "National Savings Bank", de la "Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd", de l'"Agricultural Mortgage Corportation Ltd", de la "Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Ltd", des "Crown Agents for overseas governments and administrations", des "credit unions" et des "municipal banks".

- the body known is the Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations, as set up under the Crown Agents Act 1979 in the United Kingdom, or its subsidiaries.

- à l'organisme connu sous l'appellation de «Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations», tel qu'il a été institué au Royaume-Uni en vertu de la loi de 1979 relative aux «Crown Agents», ou à ses filiales.

To give a bit of background, under the Income Tax Act and other federal statutes, Crown agents who collect taxes and other amounts as agents of Crown are protected from civil liability claims.

Pour situer un peu le contexte, la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu et d'autres lois fédérales protègent contre les poursuites civiles les mandataires de l'État qui perçoivent les taxes et d'autres montants.

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Date index: 2024-01-17