During the same consultations, the competent authorities of Ukraine submitted information about their decision to restrict the AOC of the carr
ier by removing the aircraft AN-12 with registration marks UR-UCK, UR-UDD and UR-UCN
with which Ukraine Cargo Airways has been operating into Austria and other Member States and placing them under maintenance as well as
by prohibiting the operation of the aircraft IL-76 with registration mark
...[+++]s UR-UCA, UR-UCC, UR-UCD, UR-UCH, UR-UCO, UR-UCQ UR-UCT, UR-UCU, UR-UCW and UR-UCX until 19 November 2008.Au cours de ces mêmes consultations, les autorités compétentes ukrainie
nnes ont soumis des informations concernant leur décision de limiter la portée du CTA du transporteur en retirant les appareils de type AN-12 immatriculés UR-UCK, UR-UDD et UR-UCN, av
ec lesquels Ukraine Cargo Airways opère en Autriche et dans d’autres États membres, en soumettant ces appareils à des travaux de maintenance et en interdisant, jusqu’au 19 novembre 2008, l’exploitation des appareils de type IL-76 immatriculés UR-UCA, UR-UCC, UR-UCD, UR-UCH, UR-UCO, UR-