The reality of the campaign, if I can put it in its broader perspective, is that leaving aside JTF-2 for the moment, the minister and I and others are briefed on a daily basis on a whole range of activities and operations relating to the Afghanistan campaign, what each of the individual navy vessels is doing, what the aircraft are doing, what the personnel on the ground, other than JTF-2, are doing, and all of that, in addition to regular updates on what the forces are doing everywhere else in the world, and what they're doing domestically, if there's a set of issues.
Pour situer les choses dans un contexte plus large, et laissons de côté la FOI 2 pour l'instant, on nous donne tous les jours, c'est-à-dire le ministre, moi et d'autres, un compte rendu des diverses activités et opérations qui touchent la campagne en Afghanistan. Nous savons ce que fait chaque navire, chaque avion, le personnel sur le terrain, ainsi de suite.