With regard to the situation in Iraq, it should be emphasised that, despite our differences, we in Europe have managed to ensure that this issue has been addressed in the United Nations, that this has been done within an international framework and also that not only has the authority of the United Nations Security Council been recognised once again but also that an opening has been created that will enable us to avoid, if I might put it this way, fire being poured onto the oil, which would run the major risk of setting the entire region alight.
En ce qui concerne la situation en Irak, il faut souligner qu'en dépit de nos différences, nous, les Européens, sommes parvenus à soumettre le problème aux Nations unies, dans un cadre multilatéral, à faire reconnaître une fois de plus l'autorité du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies et à encourager la recherche d'une solution qui permette d'éviter, si l'on peut dire, de mettre de l'huile sur le feu au risque d'incendier toute la région.