To that end, it is worthwhile to put on the record the companies and ENGOs who signed the agreement. They are: AbitibiBowater, Alberta Pacific Forest Industries, AV Group, Canfor Corporation, Canfor Pulp Limited Partnership, Cariboo Pulp & Paper Company, Cascades Inc., DMI, F. F. Soucy Inc., Howe Sound Pulp and Pap
er, Kruger Inc., LP Canada, Mercer International, Mill & Timber Products Ltd., New Page Port Hawkesbury Ltd., Papier Masson Ltée, SFK Pulp, Tembec Inc., Tolko Industries, West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd., and Weyerhauser Company Limited. All these companies are members of the Forest Products Association of Canada, which is also a si
...[+++]gnatory to this milestone agreement.
Voilà pourquoi il vaut la peine de souligner le nom des entreprises et des ONGE qui ont signé l'entente : AbitibiBowater, Alberta Pacific Forest Industries, Group AV, Canfor Corporation, Canfor Pulp Limited Partnership, Cariboo Pulp & Paper Company, Cascades Inc., DMI, F. F. Soucy Inc., Howe Sound Pulp and Paper, Kruger Inc., LP Canada, Mercer International, Mill & Timber Products Ltd., New Page Port