Quebec's parliament, the National Assembly, has in three official documents acknowledged that Quebecers are a people and, in doing so, has accorded the province the right to self-determination. These documents, which have been fairly unanimously approved are: the act to establish the commission to determine the political and constitutional future of Quebec, the act respecting the process for determining the political and constitutional future of Quebec and the motion of the National Assembly of 1991.
Son Parlement, l'Assemblée nationale, à travers trois documents officiels qui ont fait l'objet d'une relative unanimité, soit la Loi instituant la Commission sur l'avenir politique, la Loi sur le processus de détermination de l'avenir politique et la motion de l'Assemblée nationale de novembre 1991, a reconnu que le Québec est un peuple et que, ce faisant, il a le droit à l'autodétermination.