I think you put your finger on what we at the bank, from an analytic point of view, would see as a major problem that has stemmed from September 11 and continues to be there, and that is the fear on the part of Canadians, Canadian businesses, and the fear on the part of foreign businesses, that Canada's ability to move goods and services across the border would somehow be shut down, and would be shut down by the American authorities.
Vous avez mis le doigt sur ce que la banque considérerait, du point de vue analytique, comme un problème important découlant des événements du 11 septembre, à savoir la crainte qui persiste chez les Canadiens, les entreprises tant canadiennes qu'étrangères, que les autorités américaines ferment la frontière et privent le Canada de la possibilité d'exporter des biens et des services.