The Chairman: With your indulgence, I think it's fair to have some kind of statement in writing as to what to do in an awkward situation, but as a general rule, I would have to look at how much time is available for the witness, or if there are two or three people together but the witness.I would have to make a quick arithmetic calculation of the time, allowing, say, ten minutes for the opening address.
Le président: Sauf votre respect, je crois qu'il serait utile d'établir des règles. Toutefois, de manière générale, il faudrait que je calcule le temps dont dispose le témoin, ou les deux ou trois témoins s'ils sont plus nombreux, mais le témoin.Il faudrait que je fasse un calcul rapide et que j'attribue, disons, dix minutes pour l'allocution d'ouverture.