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92nd Street Y.
Association for Women's Rights in Development
Bureau of Wholesale Sales Representatives
Clara de Hirsch Residence
National Association of Men's Apparel Clubs
National Association of Men's and Boy's Apparel Clubs
Schengen Association Agreement
Voting rights for women
Women's International Squash Players Association
Women's International Squash Rackets Federation
Women's Squash Players Association
Women's right to vote
Women's suffrage
World Young Women's Christian Association
Young Men's Hebrew Association
Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association
Young Women's Hebrew Association

Vertaling van "Association for Women's Rights in Development " (Engels → Frans) :

Association for Women's Rights in Development | AWID [Abbr.]

Association pour les droits de la femme et le développement

The 92nd Street Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association [ YM-YWHA | 92nd Street Y. | Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association | Young Women's Hebrew Association | Young Men's Hebrew Association | Clara de Hirsch Residence ]

The 92nd Street Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association [ YM-YWHA | 92nd Street Y. | Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association | Young Women's Hebrew Association | Young Men's Hebrew Association | Clara de Hirsch Residence ]

women's right to vote | voting rights for women | women's suffrage

suffrage féminin | droit de vote des femmes | électorat des femmes

Women's International Squash Players Association [ WISPA | Women's International Squash Rackets Federation | Women's Squash Players Association ]

Women's International Squash Players Association [ WISPA | Women's International Squash Rackets Federation | Women's Squash Players Association ]

Bureau of Wholesale Sales Representatives [ National Association of Men's Apparel Clubs | National Association of Women's and Children's Apparel Salesmen | National Association of Men's and Boy's Apparel Clubs ]

Bureau of Wholesale Sales Representatives [ National Association of Men's Apparel Clubs | National Association of Women's and Children's Apparel Salesmen | National Association of Men's and Boy's Apparel Clubs ]

Agreement of 26 October 2004 between the Swiss Confederation, the European Union and the European Community on the Swiss Confederation's association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis | Schengen Association Agreement [ SAA ]

Accord du 26 octobre 2004 entre la Confédération suisse, l'Union européenne et la Communauté européenne sur l'association de la Confédération suisse à la mise en oeuvre, à l'application et au développement de l'acquis de Schengen | Accord d'association à Schengen [ AAS ]

Latin American Association for the Development and Integration of Women

Association latinoaméricaine pour le développement et l'intégration des femmes

World Young Women's Christian Association

Alliance mondiale des Unions Chrétiennes Féminines
Rights and obligations associated to social protection have been developed over time primarily for workers employed on standard contracts, whereas this has been insufficiently developed for people in self-employment and non-standard employment.

Les droits et obligations associés à la protection sociale se sont développés au fil du temps essentiellement pour les travailleurs engagés par contrat de travail classique, mais cette évolution est insuffisante pour les travailleurs indépendants ou atypiques.

whereas on 2 May 2016 politically motivated charges were brought against Ny Sokha, Nay Vanda and Yi Soksan (three senior human rights advocates from the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC)), former ADHOC staffer Ny Chakrya, who is deputy secretary-general of the country’s National Election Committee (NEC), and UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN OHCHR) staffer Soen ...[+++]

considérant que le 2 mai 2016, des poursuites pour des motifs politiques ont été engagées à l'encontre de Ny Sokha, de Nay Vanda et de Yi Soksan (trois éminents défenseurs des droits de l'homme de l'Association cambodgienne pour les droits humains et le développement (ADHOC)), de Ny Chakrya, ancien membre de l'ADHOC et secrétaire général adjoint de la commission électorale nationale, et de Soen ...[+++]

emphasise in the Association Agreement the importance of guaranteeing citizens' fundamental rights and freedoms, including the right of assembly and association, and private property rights, the development of civil society, the rule of law, the continued fight against corruption, political pluralism and the independence of the media and the judiciary;

souligner, dans l'accord d'association, l'importance de garantir les droits et libertés fondamentaux des citoyens, y compris le droit de réunion et d'association, les droits de propriété privée, le développement de la société civile, l'État de droit, la lutte sans relâche contre la corruption, le pluralisme politique et l'indépendance des médias et du système judiciaire;

(e) emphasise in the Association Agreement the importance of guaranteeing citizens’ fundamental rights and freedoms, including the right of assembly and association, and private property rights, the development of civil society, the rule of law, the continued fight against corruption, political pluralism and the independence of the media and the judiciary;

(e) souligner, dans l’accord d’association, l’importance de garantir les droits et libertés fondamentaux des citoyens, y compris le droit de réunion et d’association, les droits de propriété privée, le développement de la société civile, l’État de droit, la lutte sans relâche contre la corruption, le pluralisme politique et l’indépendance des médias et du système judiciaire;

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The Union's policy and international action are also guided by its commitments and obligations concerning human rights and development, including the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the UN Convention on the Rights of the C ...[+++]

La politique et l'action internationale de l'Union reposent également sur ses engagements et obligations en matière de droits de l'homme et de développement, dont la déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme, le pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, le pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, la convention sur l'élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à ...[+++]

130. Notes that there continues to be insufficient attention given to sexual and reproductive rights violations that undermine efforts towards fulfilling the Cairo Programme of Action commitments adopted at the 1994 United Nations International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), and to addressing discrimination – including gender discrimination and inequality – in population and development strategies; underlines that progress on reproductive health has been ...[+++]

130. observe qu'une attention insuffisante continue d'être accordée aux violations des droits sexuels et génésiques qui sapent les efforts consentis pour honorer les engagements du programme d'action du Caire adoptés lors de la Conférence internationale des Nations unies sur la population et le développement (CIPD) de 1994 et pour aborder la discrimination, y compris la discrimination et l'inégalité fondées sur le sexe, dans les st ...[+++]

123. Notes that there continues to be insufficient attention given to sexual and reproductive rights violations that undermine efforts towards fulfilling the Cairo Programme of Action commitments adopted at the 1994 United Nations International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), and to addressing discrimination – including gender discrimination and inequality – in population and development strategies; underlines that progress on reproductive health has been ...[+++]

123. observe qu'une attention insuffisante continue d'être accordée aux violations des droits sexuels et génésiques qui sapent les efforts consentis pour honorer les engagements du programme d'action du Caire adoptés lors de la Conférence internationale des Nations unies sur la population et le développement (CIPD) de 1994 et pour aborder la discrimination, y compris la discrimination et l'inégalité fondées sur le sexe, dans les st ...[+++]

Under the relevant provisions of their association agreements, arrangements shall be made in order to specify, inter alia, the nature and extent of, and the detailed rules for, the participation by countries associated with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis and Eurodac-related measures in the work of the Agency, including provisions on financial contributions, staff and voting ...[+++]

Des dispositions sont prises, en application des clauses pertinentes de leurs accords d’association, pour, notamment, préciser la nature et l’étendue de la participation aux travaux de l’agence des pays associés à la mise en œuvre, à l’application et au développement de l’acquis de Schengen et aux mesures relatives à Eurodac et définir précisément les règles applicables à cet égard, y compris en matière de contributions financières, de personnel et de droits de vote.

I have also met civil society representatives in Tunisia, notably the associations that are encountering difficulties in receiving support from the European Union, the Tunisian League of Human Rights and the Association of Women for Research and Development.

J’ai également rencontré des représentants de la société civile en Tunisie, notamment les associations qui ont du mal à recevoir les aides de l’Union européenne, la ligue tunisienne des droits de l’homme et l’association des femmes pour la recherche et le développement.

More cooperation would also be desirable on matters such as legal reforms, the regulatory frameworks for civil society and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), freedom of speech and association and women's rights.

Une coopération accrue est souhaitable dans des domaines tels que les réformes juridiques, les cadres normatifs appliqués aux sociétés civiles et aux organisations non gouvernementales (ONG), les libertés d'expression et d'association et les droits des femmes.
