I would like to take a moment to introduce our coalition, which is truly a national based coalition, including 60-plus organizations, among them the National Congress of Italian Canadians, B'nai Brith, OCASI which is the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants; that's over 140 organizations COSTI, the Canadian Bar Association, OPIC, the Association of Immigration Counsel of Canada, and the Canadian Hearing Society.
J'aimerais prendre un moment pour présenter notre coalition, qui est réellement d'envergure nationale, puisqu'elle comprend une soixantaine d'organisations, dont le Congrès national des italo-canadiens, B'nai Brith, OCASI soit l'Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants qui regroupe plus de 140 organisations COSTi, l'Association du Barreau canadien, OPIC, l'Association of Immigration Counsel of Canada et la Société canadienne de l'ouïe.