They are fed up with the judicial system and its failure to protect women and children against sexual predators (1810 ) Our system has failed these people time and time again, as can be seen from the list of the following names: Clifford Olson, Paul Bernardo, Fernand Auger, Mitchell Owen, Joseph Fredricks, Melvin Stanton, Daniel Gingras, Bobby Gordon Oatway.
Ils en ont assez du système judiciaire et de son inaptitude à protéger les femmes et les enfants contre les délinquants dangereux (1810) Notre système a échoué à maintes reprises comme on peut le constater en lisant la liste de noms qui suit: Clifford Olson, Paul Bernado, Fernand Auger, Mitchell Owen, Joseph Fredricks, Melvin Stanton, Daniel Gingras, Bobby Gordon Oatway.