If you looked at those two entities, coast guard and DFO, and arbitrarily reseparated them, I'm not sure which of the two entities would come closer and fit more comfortably with the navy's self-image of what it should be doing. In some respects, I think the navy would be a c
loser match for the fisheries protection role, and I cited the Australian example, than it would be with the idea of transferring, say, coast guard responsibilities f
or ice breaking and servicing navigatio ...[+++]n aids.
À certains égards, je crois que la marine serait mieux placée pour protéger les pêches, et j'ai cité à ce sujet l'exemple australien, et elle serait moins apte à recevoir, par exemple, les responsabilités qu'a la garde côtière relativement aux brise-glace et aux aides à la navigation.