[14] eHealth systems and services can reduce costs and improve productivity in such areas as i) billing and record-keeping, ii) reduction in medical error, iii) alleviation of unnecessary care, and iv) savings achieved by business-to-business e-commerce, cited in P.M. Danzon and M. Furukawa, e-Health: Effects of the Internet on Competition and Productivity in Health Care (2001) In The Economic Payoff from the Internet Revolution, the Brookings Task Force on the Internet, Brookings Institution Press: Washington.
[14] Les systèmes et services de santé en ligne peuvent contribuer à la réduction des coûts et à l'amélioration de la productivité dans des domaines tels que i) la facturation et l'archivage, ii) la diminution des erreurs médicales, iii) la réduction des soins non justifiés et iv) le commerce électronique interentreprises, cité par P.M. Danzon et M. Furukawa «e-Health: Effects of the Internet on Competition and Productivity in Health Care» (2001), dans «The Economic Payoff from the Internet Revolution», the Brookings Task Force on the Internet, Brookings Institution Press: Washington