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American Society for Cell Biology
American Society for Neurochemistry
American Society of Appraisers
American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers
American Society of Refrigerating Engineers
American Society of T.V. Cameraman
American Society of T.V. Cameramen
American Society of Technical Appraisers
Inter-American Society of Psychology
International Society of Videographers
Technical Valuation Society

Vertaling van "Canadian-American Society " (Engels → Frans) :

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. [ American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers | American Society of Refrigerating Engineers | American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers | American Society Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ]

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. [ American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers | American Society of Refrigerating Engineers | American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers | American Society Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ]

American Society of T.V. Cameramen [ ASTVC | International Society of Videographers | International Society of Videographers | American Society of T.V. Cameraman ]

American Society of T.V. Cameramen [ ASTVC | International Society of Videographers | International Society of Videographers | American Society of T.V. Cameramen ]

American Society of Appraisers [ ASA | American Society of Technical Appraisers | Technical Valuation Society ]

American Society of Appraisers [ ASA | American Society of Technical Appraisers | Technical Valuation Society ]

Inter-American Society of Psychology | ISP [Abbr.]

Société inter-américaine de psychologie | SIP [Abbr.]

American Society for Cell Biology | ASCB [Abbr.]

Société américaine de biologie cellulaire

American Society for Neurochemistry | ASN [Abbr.]

Association américaine de neurochimie
28. The amount in which any textile fibre is present in a textile fibre product or a part thereof shall be determined in accordance with the appropriate test published by the Canadian General Standards Board or any predecessor thereof, the American Society for Testing and Materials, the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, the British Standards Institution, the Textile Institute or the International Organization for Standardization.

28. La quantité de toute fibre textile qui se trouve dans un produit de fibres textiles ou une partie de ce produit doit être déterminée selon la méthode d’essai applicable publiée par l’Office des normes générales du Canada ou ses prédécesseurs, ou par l’American Society for Testing and Materials, l’American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, la British Standards Institution, l’Institut du textile ou l’Organisation internationale de normalisation.

American society has a much more broad minded approach to this kind of cheating than does Canadian society.

La société américaine a des idées beaucoup plus larges sur ce genre de tricherie que la société canadienne.

In 1987, the Quebec Bridge was declared an international historic monument, as my colleague from Louis-Hébert mentioned, by the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and the American Society of Civil Engineers.

En 1987, le pont de Québec a été déclaré monument historique international, comme l'a dit mon collègue de Louis-Hébert, par les sociétés canadienne et américaine des ingénieurs civils.

In fact, when we compare Canadians and Americans on these sorts of questions, we find that there is more unease in American society about whether or not we're moving too far and too fast than there is in Canadian society.

En fait, quand on compare l'opinion des Canadiens à celle des Américains sur ces questions, nous constatons qu'il existe un malaise plus grand aux États-Unis qu'au Canada quant à savoir si on agit trop vite et si on va trop loin.

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American society truly is far more homogenous than Canadian society, but being so close to such a powerful neighbour makes it impossible for Canada to escape US cultural influence.

Les Américains sont vraiment une société beaucoup plus homogène que le Canadiens, et je ne crois pas que le Canada peut être aussi près d'un voisin aussi puissant sans subir ses valeurs.

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Date index: 2023-10-02