Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Segal, seconded by the Honourable Senator Keo
n, that the seventh report of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade entitled Overcoming 40 Years Of Failure: A New Road Map For Sub-Saharan Africa, tabled in the Senate on February 15, 2007, be adopted and that, pursuant to rule 131(2), the Senate req
uest a complete and detailed response from the government, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of International Trade, the Minister of Int
...[+++]ernational Cooperation and the Minister of National Defence being identified as Ministers responsible for responding to the report.Reprise du d?bat sur la motion de l
'honorable s?nateur Segal, appuy?e par l'honorable s?nateur Ke
on, que le septi?me rapport du Comit? s?natorial permanent des affaires ?trang?res et du commerce international intitul? Surmonter 40 ans d'?chec : Nouvelle feuille de route pour l'Afrique subsaharienne, d?pos? au S?nat le 15 f?vrier 2007, soit adopt? et que, en application de l'
article 131(2) du R?glement, le S?nat demande au gouvernem
...[+++]ent d'y fournir une r?ponse compl?te et d?taill?e, le ministre des Affaires ?trang?res, le ministre du Commerce international, le ministre de la Coop?ration internationale et le ministre de la D?fense nationale ?tant d?sign?s ministres charg?s de r?pondre ? ce rapport.