objective: to know the regulations on the carriage of goods guidelines: regulations on transport and related activities: administration of the oc
cupation, transport operating licences, obligations under standard contracts for the carriage of goods, drafting of documents which form the transport contract, inte
rnational transport permits, obligations under the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road, drafting o
f the international consignment ...[+++] note, crossing borders, freight forwarders, special documents accompanying goods; objectif: connaîtr
e la réglementation relative au transport de marchandises orientations: réglementation du transport et des activités auxiliaires: organisation de la profession, titres d'exploitation transport, obligations des contrats-types de transport de marchandises, rédaction des documents matérialisant le contrat de transport, autorisations de transport international, obligations de la CMR, rédaction de la Lettre de Voiture internationale, franchissement des frontières, commissionnaires de transport, docum
ents particuliers d'accompagnement de la mar ...[+++]chandise;