Ms. Adele Furrie: In response to your process question, I think initially what has to happen is all the stakeholders have to get together persons with disabilities, the advocacy groups, the CCRA officials, the qualified persons and come together to understand what they're trying to do and come up with a form and a process that everybody agrees to. Then, however many people are on the current rolls for DTC, look at how long they've been on, stratify it by the amount of time that they've been receiving the DTC, and send out so many per year for requalification.
Mme Adele Furrie: En réponse à votre question au sujet du processus, à mon avis, il faut d'abord réunir tous les intervenants, c'est-à-dire les handicapés, les groupes de revendication, l'Agence des douanes et du revenu du Canada, afin que tous soient sur la même longueur d'onde au sujet de l'initiative et s'entendent sur un formulaire et un processus.