After spending 20 years researching the effects of family structure on children, University of Wisconsin professors McLanahan and Sandefur concluded in their very exhaustive work, entitled “Growing Up with a Single Parent: What are the Costs?”, that if they were asked to design a system for making sure that a child's basic needs were met, if they could draw it up from scratch and design it from a blank slate, so to speak, they would come up with the heterosexual two-parent ideal.
Après avoir passé 20 ans à étudier les effets de la structure familiale sur les enfants, les professeurs McLanahan et Sandefur de l'Université du Wisconsin concluent, dans leur ouvrage très exhaustif intitulé « Growing up With a Single Parent: What are the Costs? », que, si on leur demandait de concevoir à partir de zéro un système pour veiller à ce qu'on réponde bien aux besoins fondamentaux d'un enfant, ils proposeraient l'idéal du couple parental hétérosexuel.