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Arrange parent teacher conference
Arrange parent teacher conferences
Arranging parent teacher conferences
Develop instructional events for teachers
Drink driving offence
Drinking and driving
Driving instructor
Driving teacher
Driving under the influence of alcohol
Driving while intoxicated
Drunk driving
Drunken driving
Education assistant
Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario
Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario
Full-time VET teacher
Full-time teacher
Full-time vocational teacher
Inappropriate drinking and driving
Instructor in driving
Learning support teacher
Normal college
Normal school
Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation
Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation
Plan parent teacher conference
Prepare training events for teachers
Provide training events for teachers
Pupil assistant
Supply training events for teachers
Teacher aide
Teacher assistant
Teacher of driving
Teacher of learner drivers
Teacher training college
Teacher's aide
Teacher's college
Teacher-training school
Teachers college
Teachers' aide
Teachers' assistant
Teachers' college
Teachers' training college
Teaching assistant
University of teacher education

Traduction de «Driving teacher » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
driving teacher

maître de conduite | maîtresse de conduite

teacher of driving | teacher of learner drivers | driving instructor | instructor in driving

instructeur en conduite de véhicules à moteur | moniteur d'auto-école | moniteur de conduite/monitrice de conduite | moniteur d'école de conduite

develop instructional events for teachers | supply training events for teachers | prepare training events for teachers | provide training events for teachers

préparer des actions de formation pour des enseignants

arrange parent teacher conferences | plan parent teacher conference | arrange parent teacher conference | arranging parent teacher conferences

organiser une rencontre parents-enseignants | organiser une réunion parents-professeurs

teacher aide [ teacher's aide | teachers' aide | teacher assistant | teachers' assistant | aide | education assistant | pupil assistant | teaching assistant | learning support teacher ]

aide-éducateur [ aide-enseignante | aide enseignant | aide enseignante | maître auxiliaire ]

drink driving offence | drink-driving | drinking and driving | driving under the influence of alcohol | driving while intoxicated | drunk driving | drunken driving | inappropriate drinking and driving | DWI [Abbr.]

conduite en état alcoolique | conduite en état d'ébriété | conduite en état d'ivresse | conduite sous l’emprise d’un état alcoolique | conduite sous l’emprise de l’alcool

normal school [ teacher-training school | teachers' training college | teachers' college | teachers college | normal college ]

école normale

Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario [ ETFO | Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario | Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation | Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation ]

Fédération des enseignantes et des enseignants de l'élémentaire de l'Ontario [ Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario | Fédération des enseignantes et des enseignants des écoles publiques de l'Ontario | Fédération des enseignants des écoles publiques de l'Ontario ]

university of teacher education | teacher training college | teacher's college [ UTE ]

haute école pédagogique [ HEP ]

full-time teacher | full-time vocational teacher | full-time VET teacher

enseignant à plein temps
The eLearning initiative also aims to step up the training drive at all levels, especially by promoting universal digital literacy and the general availability of appropriate training for teachers and trainers, including technology training as well as courses on the educational use of technology and management of change.

L'initiative eLearning vise également une intensification de l'effort de formation à tous les niveaux, notamment par la promotion d'une 'culture numérique' pour tous et la généralisation de formations adéquates pour les enseignants et les formateurs, qui intègrent non seulement la formation à la technologie mais surtout les formations à l'usage pédagogique de la technologie et à la gestion du changement.

Finally, a hearty congratulations to Susan Marshall Steele, a teacher at Astral Drive Elementary School, and Angela Daniels-Drummond, of the Dartmouth Day Care Centre, who were just awarded the Prime Minister's Certificates of Excellence.

Enfin, je tiens à féliciter chaleureusement Susan Marshall Steele, une enseignante de l'école primaire Astral Drive, et Angela Daniels-Drummond, de la garderie Dartmouth, qui se sont vu décerner un certificat d'excellence du premier ministre.

The project visionary and driving force is Marc Pelech, a high school art teacher.

Le concepteur et l'âme du projet est Marc Pelech, enseignant en art à l'école secondaire.

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14. Welcomes the 26 January 2014 launch of the National Teacher Training Strategy – based on cooperation between UNESCO and the Government of Iraq – which will drive forward the process of teacher training and education as a means to increase learning opportunities throughout the country;

14. se félicite du lancement, le 26 janvier 2014, de la stratégie nationale de formation des enseignants – basée sur une coopération entre l'UNESCO et le gouvernement de l'Iraq – qui fera avancer le processus de formation des enseignants et d'éducation comme instrument permettant d'augmenter les possibilités d'apprentissage à travers le pays;

We must include teacher training programmes in our drive for quality education.

Si nous voulons atteindre l'objectif d'une éducation de qualité, il convient de ne pas négliger les programmes de formation des enseignants.

The eLearning initiative also aims to step up the training drive at all levels, especially by promoting universal digital literacy and the general availability of appropriate training for teachers and trainers, including technology training as well as courses on the educational use of technology and management of change.

L'initiative eLearning vise également une intensification de l'effort de formation à tous les niveaux, notamment par la promotion d'une 'culture numérique' pour tous et la généralisation de formations adéquates pour les enseignants et les formateurs, qui intègrent non seulement la formation à la technologie mais surtout les formations à l'usage pédagogique de la technologie et à la gestion du changement.

The drive to familiarise teachers with ICT and to provide them with appropriate training has intensified. The accent henceforth is to be more on content and teaching innovation.

L'effort de sensibilisation et de formation des enseignants aux TIC s'est fortement accru, l'accent devant à l'avenir porter davantage sur les contenus et l'innovation pédagogique.

The selection board noted that the main reasons for the success of the Erasmus programme were the good response from the academic community, the sterling work put in by the teachers and administrators whose drive and energy are responsible for the smooth day-to-day running of the programme and the enthusiasm with which students had greeted mobility as a means of playing their full part in building an integrated Europe.

Le jury a constaté que le succès du programme ERASMUS repose avant tout sur la mobilisation du monde académique, sur les efforts des enseignants et administrateurs qui, par leur dynamisme assurent quotidiennement la bonne marche du programme et sur l'adhésion enthousiaste des étudiants à la mobilité en vue de participer pleinement à la réalisation d'une Europe intégrée.

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Date index: 2021-04-16