Given the doubts expressed in Parliament about the legal certainty and
applicability of a dual environment-internal market legal
basis in the common position on the proposal for a regulation on certain greenhouse gases (COM(2003)0492 final), and given the environmental objectives underpinning the proposal for a regulati
on, can the Council indicate whether it would accept a sole environment legal basis under Article 175 of the Treat
...[+++]y or would it accept a further splitting of the regulation into two separate instruments, with the provisions concerning labelling, control of use and placing on the market being governed by a regulation based on Article 95 of the Treaty and the remainder being governed by a regulation based on Article 175 of the Treaty?
Des doutes étant émis, au Parlement européen, quant à la légalité et à la pertinence du choix d’une double base juridique, à savoir un article du traité relatif à l’environnement et un article concernant le marché intérieur, dans la position commune en vue de l’adoption d’un règlement relatif à certains gaz à effet de serre fluorés (COM(2003)0492 final) et eu égard aux objectifs environnementaux qui sous-tendent la proposition de règlement,