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Alberta Society of Engineering Technicians
Alberta Society of Engineering Technologists
Bernoulli Society
British Columbia Society of Laboratory Science
British Columbia Society of Medical Technologists
Dutch Society for Arts and Sciences
Dutch Society for the Preservation of the Waddenzee
Dutch Society of Sciences
Royal Dutch Society for the Advancement of Pharmacy
Science of society
Social sciences
Studying social groups
Swiss Society of Administrative Sciences
Swiss Society of the History of Medicine and Sciences
Theory and practice of social sciences

Traduction de «Dutch Society Sciences » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Dutch Society for Arts and Sciences | Dutch Society of Sciences

Societe hollandaise des Sciences

Royal Dutch Society for the Advancement of Pharmacy

Société royale néerlandaise pour l'avancement de la pharmacie

Dutch Society for the Preservation of the Waddenzee

Association nationale pour la protection de la mer des Wadden

Association of Science & Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta [ ASET | Alberta Society of Engineering Technologists | Alberta Society of Engineering Technicians ]

Association of Science & Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta [ ASET | Alberta Society of Engineering Technologists | Alberta Society of Engineering Technicians ]

Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability [ BSMSP | Bernoulli Society | International Association for Statistics in Physical Sciences ]

Société Bernoulli pour la statistique mathématique et la probabilité [ SBSMP | Association internationale pour la statistique dans les sciences physiques ]

British Columbia Society of Laboratory Science [ BCSLS | British Columbia Society of Medical Technologists ]

British Columbia Society of Laboratory Science [ BCSLS | British Columbia Society of Medical Technologists ]

studying social groups | theory and practice of social sciences | science of society | social sciences

sciences sociales

Swiss Society of the History of Medicine and Sciences [ SGGMN ]

Société suisse d'histoire de la médecine et des sciences naturelles [ SSHMSN ]

Swiss Society of Administrative Sciences [ SSAS ]

Société suisse des sciences administratives [ SSSA ]
To my knowledge, there is no credible social science research charting the erosion of Dutch society since that time. Heterosexuals have continued to marry and have children.

Que je sache, aucune recherche crédible en sciences sociales n'a fait mention de l'érosion de la société hollandaise depuis ce temps-là, puisque les hétérosexuels ont continué à se marier et à avoir des enfants.

There was a similar outbreak in the Netherlands a few years ago, and before the Dutch authorities and the Dutch are a very sophisticated, science-based society were able to get control of the outbreak, 247 infected points were discovered.

Il y a eu aux Pays-Bas un cas semblable il y a quelques années et avant que les autorités hollandaises, et les Hollandais sont des gens très sophistiqués et très scientifiques, réussissent à circonscrire l'épidémie, on a constaté qu'il y avait 247 sites infectés.

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Date index: 2022-02-12